3 Reasons to Consider a Mobile App!

3 Reasons to Consider a Mobile App

Mobile apps are everywhere. Grab your smartphone and just look in your OS app store. There are literally millions of apps covering all the major platforms including iOS, Android and Windows. That doesn’t even count the apps for lesser-known platforms.

So with all those apps out there, does your business really need one?

Quite possibly, yes.

At iTexico, a mobile app development firm based out of Austin, Texas, they employ everyone from highly skilled Xamarin developers to the best minds in mean stack development. They work on projects of all sizes for clients all over the country. Though iTexico officials would never unequivocally say every business needs a mobile lab, they would suggest that companies at least look at the possibility.

With the mobile market estimated to generate more than $100 billion in annual revenues by the end of the decade, here are three excellent reasons to consider a mobile app for your company:

1. Mobile Engagement a Priority

The number one reason for considering a mobile app is to engage with the mobile community. Make no mistake about it; mobile engagement is a priority moving forward. There are now billions of mobile devices around the world, and the number is growing every day. Furthermore, people are spending more and more time accessing the internet with their phones and tablets. Some of those individuals are undoubtedly your customers.

If you are not engaging in the mobile environment, your company is not engaging to its fullest potential. If for no other reason than this, a mobile app is something you really need to look at.

2. Mobility Equals Accessibility

Without a mobile app in place, your customers can only access your company online via a web browser. Web browsers are not all that great on mobile devices. The lack of a mobile app is, therefore, reducing your company’s accessibility for your customers. That goes for your employees too.

How do your employees interact with the company computer system? For example, consider a salesperson on the retail floor. If that person has to return to the register or go to the back office just to answer a customer’s question, sales are hindered. Having a mobile app in hand makes it possible for the salesperson to retrieve the necessary information without going anywhere.

3. Mobility Creates Added Value

You may be content with customers accessing your company via their web browsers. If so, consider this: the web browser is basically a one-way communication device. Your company can only communicate with customers after they initiate the conversation by bringing up their browsers and navigating to your site. A mobile app is just the opposite. It is a two-way communication device that can be initiated on either end.

With the mobile app, you can reach your customers even if they are not engaging with you at the moment. Mobile apps can be used to offer your customers technical support, special deals and discounts, and information about that brand-new product you are getting ready to release.

Mobility creates added value by putting data in the hands of your customers every time they turn their phones on. You just can’t do that with a static website that requires the user to engage with you first.

iTexico engineers and software developers know the value of mobile apps for small businesses. They work on those apps every day. If you were to ask, they would never guarantee your company would be better off with a mobile app, but they could give you plenty of good reasons to at least consider having one created.

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