Submit Your App to the Store

Publish or update applications on AndroPps Store with minimal requirements and no costs. Update the existing app when your app is updated with new features. Application submissions should be reviewed by AndroPps Team to ensure they meet our guidelines. Due to the volume of applications submitted to the marketplace, it can take a variable amount of time for your application to be properly reviewed.

A few things to remember before submitting your app to our store:

  • App Description: The app Description should be a minimum of 250 words and should cover the topic in detail. To ensure your app gets published, write a unique description of the app.
  • Screenshots or Video: You must add relevant screenshots or videos that clearly describe your app. You can give us screenshots or videos via Google Drive or Dropbox.
  • Download Link: APK file must be hosted on a non-affiliated third party website or the official website of your app. We don’t allow download links from other app stores and Dropbox.



    App or Developer Website

    App Name

    App Download Link

    App Description